• Dental Emergencies

We recommend oral health exams for our children twice a year. Regular dental check-ups ensure that your child’s teeth and gums are in a healthy condition. They also make early detection of caries possible so that minimally invasive treatment can be carried out.



Cleaning (scaling) removes any plaque on your child’s teeth. This plaque, if not removed, is capable of causing foul breath from the mouth, yellowish discoloration of teeth, gum disease and bone loss. Great dental  hygiene starts with routine cleanings for your child with a pediatric dentist.


If the decay is discovered early, your child might need simple fillings after cleaning of the infected part of the tooth. Tooth-colored fillings are now used more often than silver or gold fillings at THE DENTAL LAND  clinic. Some fillings contain materials that release fluoride, protecting them from further risk to caries.
Ultimately, the best dental filling is no dental filling. Prevention is the best medicine.


Deeper cavities involving the vital tissue of the tooth may call for pulpotomy/pulpectomy in milk teeth and root canal treatment in permanent teeth. These essentially remove the infection along with a part or the entire pulp of the tooth followed by its replacement with a suitable medicament and restoration.

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over a tooth to cover the tooth to restore its shape, size, strength and in most cases to improve its appearance. Crowns are necessary when a tooth is damaged by decay to the point that a filling is no longer a treatment option. Sometimes when a dentist removes significant tooth decay or performs a nerve treatment, he or she will recommend capping the child’s affected tooth with a crown.

A wide variety of crowns are available which can be chosen by the parent and the dentist as per need.

Stainless steel crowns are silver caps that cover the back teeth and preserve more of the tooth structure than other types of crowns. They withstand biting and chewing forces well and rarely chip or break.

White Esthetic crowns are used to strengthen decayed teeth and are made of Zirconia. White Zirocnia crowns are close in color to the natural teeth, so they are more cosmetically pleasing.

Dental crowns for children are generally completed in one visit, and will usually last until they are replaced by adult teeth.

Tooth extraction or removal may be required if tooth decay has become so intense that it can’t be saved by filling or root canal treatment. We might also need to remove your teeth as apart of orthodontic work.  Extraction is carried out under local anaesthesia which puts your tooth to sleep for it to be comfortably removed.

For us, pulling a tooth is a last resort. But sometimes, it’s necessary. Here’s why.


Kids love to play and we love to watch them playing and enjoying. But sometimes this may cause injury to the teeth which needs to be supervised and treated by dentist immediately. Such injuries might range from chipping of a small part of tooth to complete loss of tooth from the mouth. They often occur after a fall, car accident, sports injury, or fight. Injuries to the teeth and mouth can also have long-lasting effects on the child’s appearance and self-confidence. In case of any injury, Please contact us soon, as reporting early to the dentist can help save your tooth’s vitality.



In older children and adults, sports injuries are common. Mouth injuries can cause teeth to become cracked, broken, or knocked out/dislodged. Many such injuries can be prevented simply by the usage of helmets, mouthguards and other protective gears. Contact us in case your kids play any sport especially contact sports for us to help them prevent such injuries.

Mouthguards usually cover the upper teeth and protect your child’s primary and adult teeth from damage due to impact. We recommend them for high contact sports like football, basketball, baseball, and soccer during games.


We at THE DENTAL LAND  clinic invests in the best technology so that our children get the best products available today. Some of these products are Zircon crowns for primary teeth.

Zircon esthetic crowns restore children’s smiles, self-esteem and oral health with strength and biocompatibility. This type of crown is made out of a specialized type of advanced bioceramic material called Zirconia. Their amazing strength means they can last until permanent teeth erupt. They also almost never chip or crack, don’t’ discolor or wear down like some traditional crowns.





Every child is unique, and therefore their need for dental X-rays typically varies. We take X-rays after an initial dental exam and after reviewing your child’s dental and medical history.


For children who have a higher risk of tooth decay, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends X-ray exams every 6 months.


Digital X-Rays have the advantage of providing images with a minimum of radiation exposure and the digital image can be viewed, manipulated, magnified, and stored electronically. Digital x-rays use ultra flexible films that ensure minimal discomfort to your child.  


Dental emergencies happen for our children. We are here to help you to manage it. We at THE DENTAL LAND  clinic are committed to your family. One of our dentists is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you through your child’s dental emergency. Please contact us for assistance.




It is recommended to do fluoride treatment for our children every  6 or 12 months, depending on the child oral health. Fluoride works by restoring minerals to tooth surfaces where bacteria may have eroded the enamel. It can also inhibit the growth of harmful oral bacteria and further prevent cavities. The earlier children are exposed to fluoride, the less likely they are to develop cavities. 

The biting surface of a tooth naturally has small holes (pits) and grooves (fissures). Much of the decay encountered by school-aged children occurs in these pits and fissures as they act as ideal sites for food lodgment thus harbouring bacteria.

Sealants are an effective and painless way of protecting your child’s teeth from decay by providing a protective coating on the tooth surface. This forms a hard shield that keeps food and bacteria from getting into the tiny grooves in the teeth and causing decay.

Sealant is usually between 6 and 7 years of age.  After examination, we can let you know which teeth should be sealed. Some teeth naturally have deep grooves which will need to be sealed; others have shallow ones which will not need sealing.

Baby teeth are important for the development of teeth, jaw bones, muscles and help to guide permanent teeth into position. The adjacent teeth can shift into the open space created due to pre-mature loss of baby tooth and close/decrease the space. As a result, the permanent tooth does not find adequate space for eruption and may erupt more towards the cheek side or the tongue side leading to malalignment of teeth.

A space maintainer is an appliance that is secured (cemented) directly to the teeth to hold the space in case a baby tooth has been lost pre-maturely until the permanent tooth erupts into the area. This will help prevent more costly orthodontic concerns in the future.

Not every child who loses a baby tooth early requires a space maintainer; however, a professional consultation with your dentist should be conducted to determine if using a space maintainer is needed.


  • Why we need?
  • Types of Orthodontics
  • Child Orthodontic Tretament

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that corrects teeth and jaws that are positioned improperly.

Orthodontic treatment can be a very important part of your child’s oral health care. It is important to improve his/her appearance, but this is not the main aim. When teeth and jaws are in alignment, it means function (biting, chewing, speaking) is improved, too. The beautiful smile that results from orthodontic treatment is the outward sign of good oral health


Today’s orthodontics offer more kinds of braces than ever before. Check out your options:


– Metal braces/Traditional braces: metal brackets and wires that most people picture when they hear the word “braces”

– Ceramic Braces: tooth-colored or clear brackets that blend in to teeth.

– Lingual Braces: the brackets and wires are placed on the inside of teeth.

– Invisalign: series of custom-made, mouth guard-like clear plastic aligners. The aligners are removable and are replaced every 2 weeks.


At THE DENTAL LAND clinic, we care deeply about your child’s smile, wellness and smile appeal.

Early orthodontic intervention can prevent or simplify treatment later, saving parents money and cutting treatment time. Our dentists are skilled in identifying early orthodontic conditions and recommending a treatment plan based on your child’s unique dental needs.

It is now recommended that your child have his first orthodontic examination by age 7. We will be able to tell if your child may actually have an orthodontic problem, or if it’s just a normal developmental variation.

But keep in mind that early screening doesn’t mean treatment has to start right away. In fact, most kids don’t begin active Orthodontic Treatment until they’re 9-14 years old.

If you would like your child evaluated for orthodontics, contact our clinic  today to schedule an exam.


Many children have a habit of thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, etc. It is important to understand the cause of such a habits and then to intercept them. This prevents development of any malocclusion or abnormal jaw growth. Habits, if not corrected early, can become fixed and be more difficult to treat in later life.


Thumb-sucking habits are normal reflexes from birth to three years of age. The majority of children naturally outgrow their thumb-sucking habit between two and four years of age. We aim to encourage halting the habit by age three. However, habits that persist after the age of five or six risk oral complications.

If other psychological modalities fail, we can remind the children of their habit by bandaging the thumb or putting a sock on the hand at night. A Thumb Guard may also be helpful.



Sometimes, very young children cannot cooperate with the dentist during performing their dental treatments . So,  the pediatric dentist may recommend to do the dental the treatment for the child by putting him to sleep, in other words under General Anesthesia.


During this procedure, all of your child’s dental treatment can be completed in one visit under general anesthesia in an operating room at a hospital.  Your child is completely asleep and unaware of any treatment being performed.  This is the same technique used to remove a child’s tonsils.



Dental Treatment General Anesthesia is sometimes necessary for children that are unable, by either age or maturity level, to cooperate during dental treatment. Our dentists may recommend general anesthesia treatment  if your child:

  • a young child cannot relax enough for treatment to be safely performed.
  • requires oral surgery that may be difficult to tolerate awake.
  • requires extensive dental treatments that are best done in a single appointment
  • has a disability that limits their ability to understand direction

These operating room cases are performed on an outpatient basis at our affiliates with many specialised hospitals.  Children treated with general anesthesia will have a recent physical examination by a pediatrician and meet with the anesthesiologist prior to their treatment at the hospital.